With Liberty and Smartphones For All…

We were walking down the street with some friends debating where to head next after visiting a sick friend. Will it be a movie, pizza, bowling? Inevitably someone pulled out their phone, looks up a spot on Google or Yelp. Three of four arguments later, a spot that has at least 4 stars is picked. That’s the new reality for local businesses. A cursory look at a review site or a social media profile is all you get to be considered.

Now this is happening even in populations that are late adopters of technology. A few weeks ago, my parents were in town and to pick out a place for dinner. They just pulled out their iPhones and opened up an app. They are both in their 60s. Yes, it’s been a long time coming, but the moment has finally arrived. According to data published by Nielson last month, across all age groups in the US, smartphones make up a majority of devices. This includes adults over 55. If your grandma doesn’t have a smartphone yet, in all likelihood her next phone will be a smartphone.

For business owners this increasingly means paying extra attention to their online reputation. It means every negative interaction can have detrimental long term effects on your business. Lucky for you, OwnerListens is here to help! Good luck!

Pic by Mockuuups.com


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